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Radcliffe Line and McMahon Line :Pakistan-India-China

McMahon line and Redcliffe Line are two one of the important, controversial and crucial boundary Line of India , which were drawn by the British Government during its rule in India.

 McMahon Line :-

Sir Henry McMahon

It is the boundary between India and Tibet (present China) according Shimla accord  Signed by Britain and Tibet in 1914 A.D. Presently it is the effective boundary between China and India.The line is named after  Sir Henry McMahon  foreign secretary of the British-run Government and the chief negotiator of the convention. It extends for 550 miles (890 km) from  Bhutan in the west to 160 miles (260 km) east of the great bend of the Tsangpo river ( Bharmaputra river ) in the east, largely along the crest of the Himalaya. 
The McMahon Line is regarded by India as the legal national border.
China rejects the Simla Accord, contending that the Tibetan government was not sovereign and therefore did not have the power to conclude treaties .
Even after too much Debate this Line is still a matter of Dispute Between India And China .

Radcliffe Line :-  

 Sir Cyril Radcliffe

The Radcliffe Line was announced on 17 August 1947 as a boundary between India and Pakistan as the result of Partition of India . The Radcliffe Line was named after its architect, Sir Cyril Radcliffe who as chairman of the Border Commissions was charged with equitably dividing 175,000 square miles (450,000 km2) of territory with 88 million people.

 This Boundary commission has very less time  to decide the destiny of Indian Subcontinent .
Sir Radcliffe has very little knowledge of Indian subcontinent, he could not understand the complexity of Indian situation , he has very little time and very limited resources .
And also the award of Boundary commission was public only after independence of  Pakistan 14 August and India 15 August   ,Even the people of Both Countries did not know that they are going in the area of Pakistan or India.
The Result of this hastiness we all know .....The massacre of more than 1 million people , loss of billions of property and displacement of millions of people on both side.
Today Many people ask " What was the Hurry at that time ..."Can't it be in systematic and peaceful manner !" .....
The truth of how those decisions were made may never be known, since Radcliffe destroyed all of his records before his departure from India .....

" Oh Almighty!  When All the  borders disappear from this World......???"


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